Welcome to Cornwall Tour
Join us on a tour of the County of Cornwall
The peninsula of Cornwall, or Kernow as it was known to its ancient Celtic inhabitants, is a land wreathed in myth and mystery, with a unique Celtic heritage. With its rugged granite sea cliffs, picturesque fishing villages and glorious sandy beaches, Cornwall remains a highly popular holiday destination.

Covering an area of 1,376 sq miles (3,363sq km) and famed for its golden beaches, secluded coves, and dramatic soaring cliffs, which in spring are lined with pink sea thrift. With the longest stretch of continuous coastline in Britain, Cornwall's history is intricately bound up with the sea The county has a mild climate and its warm summer temperatures due to the Gulf Stream make it an ideal holiday location.

This site is designed as a guide to the best that Cornwall has to offer the visitor, it covers the best beaches, beauty spots, walks, towns, villages, ancient monuments, historic buildings and other tourist attractions along with hundreds of photographs. It contains all the information necessary to plan the perfect holiday in Cornwall or simply learn more about the county.

There are also sections on Legends Of Arthur, Myths of the legendary King abound in mysterious Cornwall, he is rumoured to have been born at spectacular Tintagel Castle in North Cornwall and to have received his fatal wounds at Camelford. The ancient Cornish Language, a branch of the ancient Brythonic Celtic family of languages, belonging to the same linguistic group as Welsh, Breton and extinct Cumric and Cornish Pirates, Smugglers and Wreckers, who experienced their heyday in Cornwall during the eighteenth century.